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Roseline Koener


1983年, 罗斯林第一次来到塞内加尔,她看到一个非洲姑娘身穿名叫Boubou的传统服饰(色彩艳丽的蜡染布衣)在红尘黄土中走过,身上的颜色仿佛纷纷剥落,与大地争奇斗艳。在这次惊艳的非洲之旅,她重新发现了色彩的奥秘。或许是命中注定的这次转变,她开始着手用不同材质(手工纸、布料)探索颜色间的空间互动,用不同的肌理与节奏模仿音乐的振动与能量。



Egon Schiller




A thousand years ago, Li Bai, the romantic poet of Tang Dynasty, once lamented the transience of all things and life. Although every life is born in different times, in different geographical locations and in different background environments, the length of life may also be different, but whether it is brilliant blooming, obscure and difficult, or leisurely and plain, it has come back to the world, or quietly gone, or left a mark.

In 2019, when the new year turns, Fubon Bank continues to work together with Je Fine Art Space to present Life is like a dream: Her and His Art Lifetime. Through the works of two modern and contemporary art masters we may read their lifetime, experience the aftertaste of such lives and in doing so look forward to our unique lifetime.

新生大地鸣奏曲6 | 86.4×78.7cm

颜料,蛋彩,手工纸 Comprehensive material painting

2014 | 罗瑟琳·库尼尔 Roseline Koener

When Belgian contemporary artist Roseline Koener was just 12 years old, she took over a Flemish painter’s feather pen that was gifted to her from her grandmother and used the walls of the home as a drawing board, the room was painted as a colourful paradise. She graduated with a Art History and Archaeology major at Brussels University and studied classical academic painting. In the process of becoming a professional artist, she tried different painting experiments, especially fascinated by the different changes of light.

In 1983, Roseline came to Senegal for the first time. She saw an African girl wearing a traditional dress named Boubou (colourful batik cloth) walking through the red dust and loess. The colours on her body so charming - contrasting and competing with the earth they fell against. On this amazing trip to Africa, she rediscovered the magic of colour. Perhaps it was the fate of this geographical and cultural change where she began to explore the spatial interaction between colours with different materials (handmade paper, cloth), and imitate the vibration and energy of music with different texture and rhythm.

She became fascinated by the space art of colour. The colours in the spatial relationship are complementary and interesting - they interact with each other, sometimes more complete, sometimes stronger, sometimes dazzling, sometimes elegant. "Releasing from the dark, I let colour grow freely, just like the flame light from the deep inside," she said.

Another artist from Austria more than 100 years ago, Egon Schiller, a 28 year old art genius, had a short and brilliant life. His paintings are intoxicatingly weird and distorted but they have a beauty that can’t be denied, reflecting his rebellious but creative life.

Egon Schiller attended the Vienna School of Arts and business, and dropped out because he was not satisfied with the school’s conservative atmosphere. Later, he followed the Symbolist artist Gustav Klimt and participated in the new art organisation and the Vienna separatists. He was a hard-working and persistent painter, obsessed with depicting all kinds of things in the world, revealing the truth within the appearance. In his short life he left the world thousands of paintings - cementing his place in art history - his last words being, "I’m going to die, but the world‘’s great museums will collect my paintings."

(彩蛋,Van Gogh Museum Collection Reproductions)

How can we continue to create our life in the future whilst still enjoying and appreciating the artistic life of the two masters? We take from them all they have bestowed upon us and live a life as colourfully and creatively - reinventing our lives as we go - leaving our own mark. We hope this new exhibition will bring new inspiration and impetus to the coming 2020 new year, and wish you all a happy and smooth 2020 new year in advance.


时空维度 — 现当代艺术大师作品合集

2019.12.18 - 2020.02.16

上海市淮海中路1298号WS SPACE 無·集 2F WS GALLERY

2F WS GALLERY,No.1298 Huaihai Rd., Xuhui District, Shanghai

11:00 - 18:00,周一 - 周日 Mon. - Sun.,17:30 停止入场

68 RMB | 单人行

展览门票+ 指定咖啡一杯

35 RMB | 单人行


购票 Ticket



Life is like a dream: Her and His Art Lifetime

Fubon Bank Modern & Contemporary Art Project

2019.12.20 - 2020.03.31

上海市浦东新区浦东南路360号 新国际大厦

No.360 South of Pudong Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai

【免费参观Free】9:00-17:00,周一-周五 Mon. - Fri.


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Je Fine Art Space, founded in 2014, located in the heart of Shanghai, has been a pioneer in China for incorporating art, lifestyle, and design into an integral aesthetic space. Our art exhibitions present modern and contemporary art from both the West and East. Actively collaborating with successful partners from other industries all around the world, Je has launched crossover projects to reach and engage wider audiences. The concept behind our space manifests our vision to broaden the horizon of art and redefine public’s relation to art in this financially thriving and culturally emerging city.

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