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玛莎·塔特尔(Martha Tuttle)是纽约艺术家,他的个人处女作《玛莎·塔特尔(Martha Tuttle:Metaxu)》纽约Tilton画廊的艺术家最近引起了她的最新关注,David Ebony在他的“今年冬天纽约十大画廊展览”中将其描述为“低调而优雅”。26岁的玛莎·塔特尔(Martha Tuttle)写道:“尽管大规模生产和数字化继续主导当代艺术 。作为诗人Mei-mei Berssenbrugge的女儿和艺术家Richard Tuttle的女儿,并且在新墨西哥州度过了她的童年时光,Martha Tuttle对天然材料和冥想过程具有浓厚的兴趣。她严格地染色,摩擦,折叠,编织和打打材料,包括丝绸,羊毛,纸张,赤铁矿,羊毛,靛蓝和原木,进入她明亮的抽象墙壁浮雕中,这些浮雕显然受到关注。塔特尔在Munro的评论中引用道:“对我来说,能够触摸到我制作的每个部分非常重要。我发现,如果我在某事上花了很长时间,那将增强我与之的关系。”

玛莎·塔特尔(Martha Tuttle)于1989年出生于新墨西哥州的圣达菲。她于2011年毕业于巴德学院,并于2015年在耶鲁大学艺术学院获得了绘画和版画硕士学位。Ojo Caliente于2012年,2011年在爱荷华州Grinnell。她获得了约瑟夫·阿尔伯斯基金会旅行奖学金,并于2014年获得耶鲁大学Beinecke善本和手稿图书馆的Donald C. Gallup研究奖学金。在整个美国和欧洲的团体展览中展示了她的作品,最近在纽约举行了她的首次个展。她目前在纽约生活和工作

Martha Tuttle is a New York-based artist whose solo debut, Martha Tuttle: Metaxu, at Tilton Gallery in New York, brought her most recent body of work critical attention, with David Ebony describing it as “understated and graceful” in his “Top 10 New York Gallery Shows This Winter.” Cait Munro reviewed the show for artnet news, writing, “While mass production and digitization continue to dominate the contemporary art conversation, 26-year old Martha Tuttle . . . is doing something refreshingly measured and tactile.” As the daughter of poet Mei-mei Berssenbrugge and artist Richard Tuttle, and having spent a great deal of her childhood in New Mexico, Martha Tuttle has an affinity for natural materials and meditative processes. She rigorously dyes, rubs, folds, weaves, and beats her materials, which include silk, wool, paper, hematite, woad, indigo, and logwood, into her luminous abstract wall reliefs that are clearly cared into being. Quoted in Munro’s review, Tuttle comments, “It’s important to me to be able to touch every part of something that I make. I find that if I spend a long time with something, it heightens that relationship that I have with it.”

Martha Tuttle was born in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 1989. She graduated from Bard College in 2011 and received her MFA in Painting and Printmaking from The Yale School of Art in 2015. She has held residencies at the New Mexico School of Poetics in Ojo Caliente in 2012, and in Grinnell, Iowa, in 2011. She received a Josef Albers Foundation Travelling Fellowship, as well as the Donald C. Gallup Research Fellowship from the Beinecke Rare Books and Manu Library, Yale University, in 2014. She has exhibited her work in group shows throughout the US and Europe, and recently had her first solo exhibition in New York. She currently lives and works in New York.

Image credit: Martha Tuttle, Martha Tuttle: Metaxu at Tilton Gallery, 2016. Installation view of: Clear Sound (2), 2015, wool, steel, rust, silk, indigo, woad, clay, iron, and paper; Grasses, 2016, wool, indigo, woad, and iron on wood support; Rupture Drawing (6), 2015, woad, clay, and iron on paper

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