
开幕式当天,策展人Nancy Lee女士作开幕致辞,协办方库茨艺术创始人Leo Li出席祝贺。艺术家冉启泉向嘉宾们坦然分享他的灵感来源和创作心得,在场艺术爱好者和收藏家朋友们都悉心聆听、感受艺术家的创作理念。在法式甜点与珍藏美酒中,观众们细细品味这不同于一般架上绘画作品的丰富色彩与层次变化,体验着“纸刃”系列作品对视觉的强烈冲击力。在场嘉宾对展览反应热烈,艺术爱好者们在与冉启泉的交流讨论中进行了思想碰撞,纷纷表达了心灵被触动的震撼与感动。




“以纸为墨”是艺术家冉启泉时隔两年在上海举办的又一次个展。2018年喜马拉雅美术馆的“灰烬”个展将视角集中于毁灭与重生,而本次“以纸为墨”主要展览了2018年之后冉启泉的新作品"纸刃"系列,体现了对纸更深的理解和运用——以艺术家本人的话来说,新作”以变形、抽离、扭曲、重塑的手段处理图像,是对图像和文字的一种消解和否定“。策展人Nancy Lee说,透过这些画作不仅可以观察纸张的厚度和力量,还可以体验一种第三者的视觉关系,将自身从文字图像的海量信息中抽离,感受纸张重构带来的无限想象空间。


The opening of the artist Ran Qiquan Solo Exhibition, which is also the first exhibition of Nancy’s Gallery Lujiazui new space, turned out to be a big success on September 25.

During the opening ceremony, the curator Mrs. Nancy Lee made a cheerful opening speech, followed by Mr. Leo Li’s greeting, the founder and executive director of Co-organizer Courts Art. Artist Ran Qiquan shared his inspiration and aesthetic experience with the guests frankly. Art lovers and collectors listened to and felt the artist’s artistic ideas. Accompanied by French desserts and cherished wines, the audience immersed in the rich colors and gradation changes that are different from ordinary easel paintings and experienced the‘Paper Edge’ series’s strong visual impact. The guests gave a positive response to the exhibition, for art lovers exchanged ideas with artist Ran Qiquan and expressed their emotions when appreciating the artworks.

Born in Dazhou, Ran Qiquan, who graduated from Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in 1989, is now a Daxiu Contemporary Art Workshop member and was once the mayor of Beijing Sixth-ring International Art District. Ran Qiquan always emphasized that the construction of a deep touching artwork should not be limited to skills. He believes that good work should express the feelings and thoughts that the artist has devoted to it. He continually explores to innovate new work with extreme color tension and emotional expression in the creating process.

艺术家冉启泉、策展人Nancy Lee 与到场嘉宾合影

The ‘Paper Paints’ exhibition focuses on exhibiting Ran Qiquan’s new work‘Paper Edge’ series from 2018. These works have shown that the artist has a more sophisticated understanding and using paper. In the words of the artist himself, those new works

‘process images by means of twist, abstraction, distortion, and remodeling, which is a kind of digestion and negation of images and words’. Nancy Lee, the curator, believes that the audience can not only appreciate the paper’s thickness, they can also experience the visual relationship as a third party,to separate themselves from the massive information carried by text and images. The audience will feel the infinite space of imagination brought by paper reconstruction.

This exhibition demonstrates Ran Qiquan’s more proficient use of the medium of paper, and it also marks a new step in the vision of Nancy’s Gallery to appreciate and share art. Ran Qiquan’s creation expresses the texture of paper and its infinite changes in an innovative and impactful way, bringing the viewers away from the inertial perception of paper in the daily context. From now on, Nancy’s Gallery will create a good platform for artists and art lovers in our new place at Gala Mall. All art lovers are cordially invited to visit and enjoy.

艺术家冉启泉与Nancy’s Gallery的精英小伙伴们

吕嘉成/陈璐昀/杨一舞 摄影