

Nancy Lee

策展助理/Curatorial Assistants:



开幕:2020.12.05 15:00



Gala Mall 2F-210,Lane 66,Yincheng Rd,Shanghai


周一至周日 10:00-21:00 (20:30停止入场)

Monday to Sunday:10:00-21:00

展览介绍 Introduction




Dreamland NIght / Mixed Media


《镜中花》 综合媒材

Flowers in the mirror / Mixed Media

60cm×40cm 2020




Desert Flowers / Mixed Media

120cm×120cm 2020




Visions of Flowers / Mixed Media

160cm×149cm 2020


Xiao Ying’s works are full of expressive force and appeal, rich and unique in artistic language. She uses sharp brushstrokes to cut through the painting material, and constructs a profound and hidden spiritual world with rigidity and intensity.

The warm and harmonious colors in the work, with the unique perspective of women, show the longing for vitality and the longing for light. Xiao Ying has long created portraits and flower figurines, two different but identical creations of nature.

Reverence for nature and life is the eternal expression of her works. The audience also seems to be taken into a deep garden with scattered branches, where the ancient trees are towering, the vines are interwoven, and the wild roses in full bloom are exquisite in every texture. This is the best habitat for the soul.


艺术家肖颖主攻欧洲古典湿壁画与综合材料绘画比对研究。学术成果:曾荣获2013年全国油画作品展优秀奖;2019年入选十三届全国美展综合材料绘画大展;2017年入选国家文化部“艺术中国汇”中外青年优秀作品展,登上美国纽约大都会博物馆;2018-2020年参加国家艺术基金项目“周而复始”综合材料绘画学术邀请展,作品登上全国各大权威美术馆展出;2020年应邀参加“生活深处”国家艺术基金项目巡展;2020年參展日本福冈亚洲美术馆 · 中国当代绘画展。2017年出版专著作品集1部;曾受聘于中央美院继续教育学院、江西科技师范大学美术学院、景德镇陶瓷大学美术学院、山东美术家协会综材艺委会、上海松江综合材料艺委会等国内各大院校、专业单位为客座教授、特聘导师、艺术指导。


Visions of Jiangnan / Mixed Media

120cm×120cm 2015

About the Artist

Xiao Ying mainly focuses on the comparative study of European classical frescoes and comprehensive material paintings. Her academic achievements are as follows: won the excellence award in National Oil Painting Exhibition; selected for the 13th National Art Exhibition of Fine Arts, China 2019-Painting with Comprehensive Materials Art Exhibition; selected for "Fantastic Art China" - art exhibition for Chinese and foreign youth, and her works were exhibited in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; attended 2018-2020 China National Arts Fund Projects for Communication “Round and Develop - Academic invitation Exhibition of Comprehensive material painting”; attended "Dive into Life - Joint exhibition of Young Artist" in 2020.

In 2020, she was invited to participate in the "Deep Life" National Art Fund project tour exhibition.She also attended Chinese Contemporary Painting Exhibition in Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Japan, 2020; Xiao at once employed by School of Continuing Education in Central Academy of Fine Arts, Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, Shangdong Artists Association Mixed Media Arts Council, Shanghai Songjiang Mixed Media Arts Council as visiting professors, specially-appointed tutors and art directors.

早鸟票单价: RMB 15 (售票时间2020.11.26 - 2020.12.05)

普通票单价: RMB 20 (售票时间 2020.12.05 - 2021.01.10)




Welcome all of you to this exhibition!