探访— 感知与现实
展览时间: 2020年2月2日 - 2020年2月29日
地址: 上海市泰康路210弄田子坊5号楼100、112室
策展人: Nancy Lee(李小红)
在遵循社会规则的当下生活,无形的城市化压力让人们的心灵想象空间难以适从。透过非常规的创作手法,摆脱固有的刻板印象,艺术家们想要剖析的是人类内心感知的情绪与现实社会难以融合的矛盾。南希艺术画廊二月推出新展“探访—感知与现实”,通过展出冉启泉、廖扬、肖颖、杜海军等多位艺术家的创作作品,运用纸本综合、版画、综合材料等表现手法展现抽象的感知能力与现实世界碰撞的火花。其艺术创作是对世界内在本质的揭示,世界内在的本质是超越于表象的,客观的,不以人的意志为转移的,是艺术家们对自我内心世界的一种向外的表达方式。In the mundane life,it is hard for people to comfort their souls and minds with the overwhelminglyinvisible pressure from urbanization. By getting rid of the stereotype and using the unusual creativeways, artists are eager to deeply dissectthe conflicts between the actualperception within human’s heart and reality in modern society.Nancy’s Gallery will presentthe exhibition “Explore——Perception and Reality”in February, 2020. The exhibition will show the artworks created byRan Qiquan, Liao Yang, Xiao Ying and Du Haijun. Their expressions throughmixed media, silkscreen on paper and oil on canvasconveythe idea of perception and reality with abstract images as well asartists’passion for life. Exhibited paintings in the gallery reveal the nature of our society, which is objective and far beyond the appearance. It keeps its own characteristic and independenceof human consciousness. More importantly, these artworks are the ways for artists to express their inner essence tothe outside world.
杜海军Du Haijun杜海军,生于江苏宜兴,毕业于中国美术学院,现居上海。杜海军在国内外多次举办展览,数次获得艺术界大奖,包括第十一届全国美展优秀奖,法国沙龙特邀评审团评的绘画类金奖。其作品被中国美术馆,韩国领事馆,香港海港城等收藏。杜海军作品近期应邀在斯洛伐克驻北京大使馆展出。在杜海军的作品中,我们可以看到他对都市化的理解,以及这样的方寸空间是如何低声诉说着城市生活的秘密的。Born in Jiangsu province in 1978, Du Haijun graduated from China Academy of Art and now living in Shanghai. He has participated in either domestic andinternational exhibitions and was awarded for many prizes, including the Golden Award for the International Salon of France. Du’s work demonstrates his understanding of how urbanization remoulds cityscape and how such squared residences wisper the secrecy of everyday drama. His "N Windows" has been collected by the National Art Museum of China, "Office Story" has been collected by the Harbor City, Hong Kong, and “Window” and “Cellist” by Korean Consulate.
City Rhythm,Du Haijun,60cm x 100cm, Oil on Canvas
Brown Memory, Du Haijun,80cm x 130cm, Oil on Canvas
Metropolis, Du Haijun, 120cm x 80cm, Oil on Aluminium
冉启泉Ran Qiquan冉启泉,毕业于四川美术学院,现工作生活于成都,作品曾入选国内外多个重要展览。2018年,冉启泉在上海喜马拉雅美术馆,成都红美术馆举办个展。冉启泉一系列以纸作为媒介的艺术作品的价值,就是对绘画的重要媒介“纸”的一种彻底打破与重构,实现了对于纸本质使命的消解与超越。Ran Qiquan, graduated from Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in 1989.His artworks representcomplete break and reconstruction of “paper”, which showsa pure sense of innovation.Therefore we are able to see the accumulation of the thickness of the paper and the reconstruction of lines. Lines with various density buildrhythm; the thickness of paper forms a brand new artistic texture after recombination, accumulation and extrusion. It reaches a balance between abandon and acquirement, which resembles the spirit of Zen.
Black.C - 180316, Ran Qiquan,101cm x 81cm, Mixed Media
Red.L - 110528, Ran Qiquan,71cm x 151cm, Mixed Media
Green.L - Rose, Ran Qiquan,151cm x 71cm, Mixed Media
肖颖 Xiao Ying肖颖,研究生毕业于南昌大学艺术与设计学院,先后进入法国卢浮宫Julita博士Tapera理论实践研修班、中央美术学院油画系材料艺术高级研修班、中央美术学院油画系欧洲丹培拉高级研修班进行深造。2017年,《幻像系列》入选国家文化部主办“艺术中国汇”中外艺术家优秀作品展。肖颖的综合材料绘画,作品受到古典坦培拉的圣像画和伦勃朗的间接画法的启发,她的作品展现出率真的一面,亦却流露出一种疑惑和探索的气息。Born in Jiangxi in 1977, Xiao Ying completed theoretical and practical training class of Tempera under the guidance of Doctor Julita in Louvre France and then got further training in Central Academy of Fine Arts. Xiao Ying’s artworks usethe ancient European technique of Tempera,create a mysterious and inviting art space. Her worksfeature in numerous collection worldwide, including National Artists Association of China(2013) and permanent collection by Oil Painting Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts(2012).
Eidolon, Xiao Ying, 90cm x 70cm, Mixed Media
Eldolon, Xiao Ying, 50cm x 40cm,Mixed Media
Desert Flower, Xiao Ying,100cm x 80cm, Mixed Media
廖扬 Liao Yang廖扬,2005年毕业于上海大学美术学院,现任职于上海大学美术学院。其作品《上海早上八点六十》入选第十八届全国版画展并获优秀作品奖;《小巷故事多》入选第十一届全国美展并获银奖;《入冬》入选第十九届全国版画展览;《迟到的公交》,入选第二十届全国版画展览并获优秀奖,《爸爸妈妈去哪儿了》获全国美展优秀奖,作品被中国美术馆、上海美术馆等机构收藏。廖扬善于捕捉生活中的精彩点滴再呈现到作品中,廖扬的作品大多以反映市井生活为题材,版画语言的冷静为廖扬的作品注入了一种达观的态度。廖扬对社会的思考是十分自觉的,作品反映高速发展的经济给人们的生活与价值观带来的冲击与思考。
Born in 1983, Liao Yang graduated from the Fine Art College of Shanghai and now is applied as a teacher teaches fine art in Shanghai College.He is a member of Chinese Artists Association and Shanghai Artists Association. Liao has created many excellent artworks, including 8:60am in Shanghai which was awarded for “excellent artworks” prizein the 17th National Prints Exhibition. His vivid silkscreen prints show conscious thinking of the society. Most of his artworks have been collected by the National Gallery, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai Library, etc.
The Late Bus, Liao Yang,70cm x 100cm, Silkscreen on Paper
Relay, Liao Yang,70cm x 120cm, Silkscreen on Paper
Parcel, Liao Yang,100cm x 70cm, Silkcreen on Paper
Welcome all of you to this exhibition!
Dwelling Poetically on the Land of Art
Nancy’s Gallery
Add: Room 100, 101 & 112 Building No.5
Lane 210 Taikang Rd, Shanghai 200025, China
Tel & Fax: (+8621) 64668146
Mobile: (+86) 13671863626