三亚·坎塔罗夫斯基(Sanya Kantarovsky)不喜欢听到他的作品在形象化或抽象化方面得到了很好的讨论;相反,他将其与指导其实践的图形,书法和历史影响联系起来。坎塔罗夫斯基(Kantarovsky)生产录像装置和雕塑,尽管他以他的画作而闻名。他的标志性作品通常涂上薄薄的,擦拭或刮擦的油漆,并以孤立的,讽刺的人物组成的叙事场景为特色。这些作品中经常出现的主题包括间接的社会政治评论和对遭受艺术天才影响的评论。在许多作品中,空白页也是反复出现的主题,寓意着创造潜能和健忘症。坎塔罗夫斯基对莫斯科的早期记忆也体现在他的作品中

Sanya Kantarovsky does not like to hear his work discussed neatly in terms of figuration or abstraction; instead, he relates it to the graphic, calligraphic, and historic influences that guide his practice. Kantarovsky produces video installations and sculptures, though he is best known for his paintings; his signature works often have thinly applied, wiped, or scraped layers of paint, and feature narrative scenes populated by isolated, sinewy figures. Frequent themes in these works include indirect social-political commentary and a critical look at the idea of suffering artistic genius; the blank page is also a recurring motif in many works as an allegory of both creative potential and amnesia. Kantarovsky’s early memories of Moscow also figure in his works, perhaps most directly in his lattice-like structures that refer to window grates in his childhood home.

Solo shows


Sanya Kantarovsky, Luhring Augustine, New York


Sanya Kantarovsky: Disease of the Eyes, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel


Allergies, Casey Kaplan, New York

Group shows


- Super Xmas -, Super Dakota

House of Voltaire, 2019, Studio Voltaire, London

A Seed’s A Star, Loyal, Stockholm

Prints and Editions, Luhring Augustine, New York


Artists for Studio Voltaire, Studio Voltaire, London

Nightfall, Mendes Wood DM, Brussels


An Uncanny Likeness, Simon Lee Gallery, New York




Never Look Back When Leaving, Casey Kaplan, New York

Fair booths


Taka Ishii Gallery at ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair 2019, Taka Ishii Gallery

Studio Voltaire at Frieze New York 2019, Studio Voltaire

Modern Art at FOG Design+Art 2019, Modern Art


Modern Art at Art Basel Miami Beach 2018, Modern Art

Taka Ishii Gallery at ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair, Taka Ishii Gallery

Modern Art at Frieze London 2018, Modern Art

Modern Art at Art Basel 2018, Modern Art

Luhring Augustine at TEFAF New York Spring 2018, Luhring Augustine


SculptureCenter at UNTITLED Miami Beach 2017, SculptureCenter


Casey Kaplan at Art Basel in Miami Beach 2015, Casey Kaplan

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