
The King of Relic-SayadawUKittivaracollectedpreservedand enshrined the Relic Buddha and his disciples

(华琪国际媒体中心8月18日讯)吴祺迪瓦拉尊者生于1947年10月13日缅甸中部迈克蒂拉分区的普佩斯村。10岁师父在缅甸受戒成为沙弥。20岁接受僧侣的任命。1979年吴祺迪瓦拉尊者成为波罗密寺主持。1984年吴祺迪瓦拉尊者在他的寺院创办了缅甸舍利博物馆。2019年吴祺迪瓦拉尊者在马来西亚设立为舍利子国际中心。2021年7月28日吴祺迪瓦拉尊者圆寂,世寿74 岁。

(WAkiInternational MediaCenter18thof August)SayadawUKittivarawas born on 13 October 1947 inPaukpintharVillage,Meikthiladivision, in central Myanmar.Masterwas ordained as a novice monkin Burma at the age of ten. He received his higher ordination as a Buddhist monk at the age ofTwenty. In 1979,Sayadawbecame the Abbott of TheinTaungTeikThitTemple (ParamiTemple), SouthOkkalapa, Myanmar.In 1984,Sayadawopened the RelicMusuemat his monastery.In year 2019,SayadawUKittivaraopenedInternational Relic Centerin Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.SayadawuKittivarahad passed away at July 28, 2021. He was 74.

根据大藏经的毗奈耶部分记载,有两位商人达普陀和巴哈利卡布供养于佛陀,佛陀将八根头发赠给予兄弟俩。兄弟俩把佛陀的八根头发舍利放在一个金盒子里带回缅甸并供奉在佛塔。佛教传入缅甸已有2600多年, “缅甸“”被誉为“佛塔之国”及 “万塔之城”,全国大小佛塔共有10万多座给予善男信女礼拜三宝及供养佛陀及佛弟子的舍利子。

According to the Commentary on theAnguttaraNikayaof the SuttaPitaka, there were two merchants, namedTapussaandBhallikaoffered the alms-food to the Lord Buddha in Bodh Gaya, the Buddha passed his eight hair-relics to the brothers. Then the brothers put the relic- hairs in a gold casket and returned to Burma to be enshrined in the stupas. Within 2,600 years, there have been more than hundredthousandstupas built in Burma for devotees to pay homage to the triple gems and enshrined the relics of the Buddha and his Disciples.


Due to the long period of time, many stupas andCetiyawere destroyed by the natural disaster such as Earthquake,Hurricanesand the poor maintenance.In order topropagate the buddha Sasana and enshrined the relics of the Buddha and his disciplines generation to generation,SayadawUKittivarafollowed the footstep of histwoMasters,VenerableSayadawSuriya, the Abbott ofWuntawpyaeMonastry, Meiktila, Mandalay DivisionandVenerableSayadawKondana, Abbott of Mahabodhi Relic Monastery,Myingyan, MandalayDivision,whocollectedand preservedthe relics of the Buddha and His Disciples.

吴祺迪瓦拉尊者禅修(佛随念禅)的引导下寻找佛陀及佛陀弟子的舍利子. 佛陀拥有九种崇高的美德,觉悟了四个崇高真理,拥有各种崇高品徳及波罗密。舍利子积聚了值得敬奉的文物,让世人敬畏的大恩大德的释迦牟尼佛。史载明顿王朝 什韦博区韦莱特蒂采克村有一位叫维鲁达卡拉僧侣收集和供养佛陀及其弟子的舍利子。维鲁达卡拉僧侣也通过(佛随念禅)地找到了很多佛陀与佛陀弟子的舍利子。

SayadawpracticedBuddhanussatimeditation for reflecting the virtues of the Buddha, which guided him to searchtheRelics。The Buddha has great virtues, realized four noble truths, completed the perfections. The Relics are highly venerated and enshrined for all to pay homage to the Buddha.During the KingMindondynasty period, there was a monk called VenerableVisuddhacaraatWetletTownship,ShweboDistrict, who was interested in collecting and paying homage to the Relic.He was fortunate to find the relics with the practice ofBuddhanussatimeditation.


In those 60 years,SayadawUKittivarahad been travelling around the country, collecting,preservingand re-enshrining the relics of Lord Buddha and Arahants.Inthe early age,Sayadawcollected the Buddha Relics and his disciplines relics in old monasteries or stupas.Healso searched and collected the relics that no one worshipfromvillages or mountains on foot or by oxcart. Once,Sayadawtravelled to an old stupanamedMoggalanacetiyaat the hills of the Northern ofMyingyanTownship, Mandalay Region, which enshrined the relics of VenerableMoggalana. The relics ofMonggalanawas brown and the relics were excavated at the place.


After few years,Sayadawopened the RelicsMusuemat his monastery with the intention to keep the Relics in one place to enable Buddhist devotees to pay homage to the Buddha’s relics and Buddha’s disciples relics. Since then, the monastery is well-known locally as well as overseas. There were many senior monks and Buddhist devotees from different countries come to visit and pay homage to the Relics.