


鲁虹 博士、艺术评论家、深圳美术院研究员

Expression and Standpoint---On Qi Haifeng’s Art

If we take a panoramic view of Qi Haifeng’s creating process, it is not difficult to find that the farmers have always been his creating subjects though he is an artist with varied styles. The first stage of his creating is from the end of the 80s to the middle of the 90s. Influenced by the overall atmosphere of the art field, he painted Taihang lifestyle with “local realistic” techniques. There seems to be two themes in those works: one is the praising for the nature, and at the same time, emphasizing the close relationship between man and the nature, such as “Green Bank of the Yellow River” , “Spring of Taihang Mountain”, “Midday” etc; the other is the enthusiastic praise for the farmers’ simple life style which is full of affections, such as “Warm Winter”, “Spring Festival”, “Meeting the Bride”, “Walking on Stilts”, etc. Both of them reflect the painter’s dissatisfaction with the urban life and his nostalgia for the past. In my opinion, some scenes in his paintings are nothing but his desire objects. He handles the rural subjects in an imaginary method. His second stage is from the middle of the 90s to the end of the 90s. Obviously, he employs the “local surrealistic” techniques. We can see this in the later period of his fist stage. I guess there are two reasons leading to his changes: on the one hand, he was not satisfied about expressing some of his new ideas in the traditional realism and the literal creating patterns; on the other hand, perhaps he found his works falling into the mould picture after employing the “local realistic” creating method to rebel against the creating patterns popular in “the Great Revolution”. From the angle of the art history, Qi’s works at the 2nd stage undoubtedly were influenced by some western surrealism masters, such as Salvador Dali and Max Ernst. Without the special artistic discourse created by the masters, these breakthroughs would have never occured to him. Different from the other young domestic artists, he doesn’t simply borrow and transfer their works. Instead, he adds his familiar life elements, such as farmers, loess plateau, Taihang residential houses, and northern plants to them, and handles creatively in a supernatural and supernormal method. His dream villages, to the greater extent, sometimes are symbols, sometimes a yearning. The flying men and horses in the sky and the houses in his “59 Dream Village”, “60 Dream Village” imply the farmers want to do away with the outdated conventions and practices and are eager for the new life. I remember Zhang Minjie, an engraver in Hebei Province handles the similar subjects in the same way. The inner link between them is very interesting. The squeezing human bodies in “61 Dream Village” and “62 Dream Village” indicate the damage brought by the consumer society to the normal human relationship, and even lead to people’s fighting. The juxtaposition and overlapping of the traditional symbols such as the fluttering red flag, Nuo Opera (one of the Chinese local operas popular in the western hilly regions) and the loess plateau and the farmers show the special relationships between history and the reality of the northwest China .... Later, the signs in his works have become more and more abstract and the style has become more and more expressive, which leads him onto the third stage of creating. It begins from the end of the 90s to the present. I believe his individual style is formed at this stage. He has a more broaden horizon and more mature style. When expressing ideas, he intentionally links the issues of Chinese farmers with the problems of urbanization and globalization. As a contemporary intellectual, he clearly expresses his criticism, which in essence is different from that of the first stage. For example, in “The Lost Scene” he expresses his worries about the modernization. During that process the green mountains and clean rivers have been replaced by the urban cement forests and wasteland. In “Black Domain” he expresses his opposing to the war by painting a bombed city. ... In the artistic expression, Qi creates his works perfectly in a mature freehand brushwork method. They can be regarded as the successful integration between the Orient and the West, the specific and the abstract, realism and expressionism.

Qi Haifeng’s various styles show his constant exploration for the truth. The history of art has indicated that each style represents a different worldview. I appreciate his never-ending exploring spirit. However, I’d like to stress in this article that although employing various styles in one’s painting is not bad for an artist, it is not good for his publicizing and development if he changes a lot in a relatively short period of time. Take Picasso as an example, though people appreciate his varieties of painting styles, his subjects and styles remain constant in some period of time. I sincerely hope our artist will be aware of this in his future painting.

August, 2005 in Shenzhen Art Gallery

Lu Hong: Doctor, Art Critic, Researcher of Shenzhen Instute of Fine Arts