To: Artists (English and Chinese)艺术家

Subject: AAB2011 Call for Art Work Submissions征集参与 AAB2011 活动的艺术品

Dear artists friends,


As we celebrate the beginning of 2011, we’re excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for AAB2011!


Art work of all shapes and sizes will be accepted. All art work submitted by the artist must be guaranteed to be original and authentic.

我们将接收各种不同形式及大小的艺术品。 所有艺术品在提交过程中艺术家要保证其真实和原创性。

This year the maximum artist price is 15,000 RMB per art work. AAB will add on 25% to the artist price. The artist price + AAB 25% = sale price.

今年最高的艺术家底价为15,000元/件。AAB会在艺术家低价基础上加25%,所以艺术家低价+AAB 25% = 最终出售价格。

3The actual event date and location will be confirmed within the next few weeks!


Attached is the AAB2011 application form. Please ensure that all applications include an image of the artwork and details of the art work (including size, medium and price) as requested.

所附加的文件为AAB2011申请表格。 所有申请者需要在提交申请的时候确保提交其作品的图片以及作品具体的细节 (包括大小,质地及价格)。

Applications should be sent to [email protected].

申请表格请寄往[email protected].

Application deadline is 15th March 2011.

申请截止日期 2011年3月15日